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Tsurusaki M, Oda T, Sofue K, Numoto I, Yagyu Y, Kashiwagi N, Murakami T. The technical aspects of a feasible new technique for ipsilateral percutaneous transhepatic portal vein embolization. Br J Radiol 91(1092):20180124, 2018.

Sofue K, Tsurusaki M, Mileto A, Hyodo T, Sasaki K, Nishi T, Chikugo T, Yada N, Kudo M, Sugimura K, Murakami T. Dual-energy computed tomography for non-invasive staging of liver fibrosis: Accuracy of iodine density measurements from contrast-enhanced data. Hepatol Res 48(12):1008-1019, 2018.

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Brendel M, Sauerbeck J, Greven S, Kotz S, Scheiwein F, Blautzik J, Delker A, Pogarell O, Ishii K, Bartenstein P, Rominger A; and for the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Serotonin Selective Reuptake Inhibitor Treatment Improves Cognition and Grey Matter Atrophy but not Amyloid Burden During Two-Year Follow-Up in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease Patients with Depressive Symptoms. J Alzheimers Dis 65(3):793-806, 2018.

Blautzik J, Kotz S, Brendel M, Sauerbeck J, Vettermann F, Winter Y, Bartenstein P, Ishii K, Rominger A, Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative. Relationship Between Body Mass Index, ApoE4 Status, and PET-Based Amyloid and Neurodegeneration Markers in Amyloid-Positive Subjects with Normal Cognition or Mild Cognitive Impairment. J Alzheimers Dis 65(3):781-791, 2018.

Takaya M, Ishii K, Hosokawa C, Saigoh K, Shirakawa O. Tau accumulation in two patients with frontotemporal lobe degeneration showing different types of aphasia using 18F-THK-5351 positron emission tomography: a case report. Int Psychogeriatr 30(5):641-646, 2018.

Kaida H, Azuma K, Kawahara A, Sadashima E, Hattori S, Takamori S, Akiba J, Fujimoto K, Rominger A, Murakami T, Ishii K, Ishibashi M. The assessment of correlation and prognosis among 18F-FDG uptake parameters, Glut1, pStat1 and pStat3 in surgically resected non-small cell lung cancer patients. Oncotarget 9(62):31971-31984, 2018.

Wakabayashi Y, Takahashi R, Kanda T, Zeng F, Nogami M, Ishii K, Murakami T. Semi-quantitative dopamine transporter standardized uptake value in comparison with conventional specific binding ratio in [123I] FP-CIT single-photon emission computed tomography (DaTscan). Neurol Sci 39(8):1401-1407, 2018.

Sauerbeck J, Ishii K, Hosokawa C, Kaida H, Scheiwein FT, Hanaoka K, Rominger A, Brendel M, Bartenstein P, Murakami T. The correlation between striatal and cortical binding ratio of 11C-PiB-PET in amyloid-uptake-positive patients. Ann Nucl Med 32(6):398-403, 2018.

Minami Y, Minami T, Hagiwara S, Ida H, Ueshima K, Nishida N, Murakami T, Kudo M. Ultrasound-ultrasound image overlay fusion improves real-time control of radiofrequency ablation margin in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma. Eur Radiol 28(5):1986-1993, 2018.

Baba K, Kaida H, Hattori C, Muraki K, Kugiyama T, Fujita H, Ishibashi M. Tumoricidal effect and pain relief after concurrent therapy by strontium-89 chloride and zoledronic acid for bone metastases. Hell J Nucl Med 21(1):15-23, 2018.

Kaida H, Azuma K, Toh U, Kawahara A, Sadashima E, Hattori S, Akiba J, Tahara N, Rominger A, Ishii K, Murakami T, Ishibashi M. Correlations between dual-phase 18F-FDG uptake and clinicopathologic and biological markers of breast cancer. Hell J Nucl Med 21(1):35-42, 2018.

Nakamura A, Kaneko N, Villemagne VL, Kato T, Doecke J, Doré V, Fowler C, Li QX, Martins R, Rowe C, Tomita T, Matsuzaki K, Ishii K, Ishii K, Arahata Y, Iwamoto S, Ito K, Tanaka K, Masters CL, Yanagisawa K. High performance plasma amyloid-β biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease. Nature 554(7691):249-254, 2018.

Kaida H, Ishii K, Hanada S, Tohda Y, Murakami T. Incidental case of relapsing polychondritis detected by F-18 FDG PET/CT. Clin Nucl Med 43(1):25-27, 2018.
